Whole school
Behaviour Reflection Sheet
A behaviour reflection sheet for students to complete during detention or after an incident.
Student Weekly Mentoring Proforma
A weekly mentoring proforma that can be used with students to discuss attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
STudents then set themselves SMART targets which are reviewed each mentoring session.
Keyword Link Map
Adapted from the key word hexagon worksheet, a different worksheet to get your students to make links between key words in your subjects.
The 5 B's Poster / Display (Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss)
A PDF poster for the 5 B’s (Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss).
Classroom Rules Poster / Display
A PDF classroom rules poster / display.
Voice / Noise levels classroom poster / Display
A PDF voice levels clasroom poster / Display.
Growth Mindset classroom Display / Poster
A PDF document for a Growth Mind set ‘instead of’ ‘Try thinking’ poster / display.
Pride Month / LGBTQ+ / LGBTQ+ History Month assembly / Powerpoint presentation
A presentation designed as a virtual assembly (but can be easily adapted) about the history of Pride and LGBTQ and why we celebrate pride.
This presentation is 13 slides long and includes video’s links to websites, information, inspirational LGBTQ people and links to further reading / watching / listening.
It can easily be adapted for a lesson if not using it as an assembly.
Aspirations / Aiming High Assembly
This is a 10 slide assembly all about aspirations and aiming high. It also includes a couple of very powerful videos.
Alongside the assembly is a script that you can follow (word document or in the notes section of the powerpoint).
Slide 1+2 - Introduction and talking about two paths that students could go down (good or bad)
Slide 3 - Get the basics correct (asks the students are they on time to school, behaving, giving 100% effort etc.)
Slide 4 - Definition of aspirations. Gets the students thinking about their aspirations.
Slide 5 - Video about goal setting.
Slide 6 - Thinking about your end goal, how will you get there?
Slide 7+8 - A good quote for the students to think about and the iceberg effect.
Slide 9 - Motivational video
Slide 10 - Back to the paths getting the students to think about which path they want to be on.
Growth Mindset / Positive thinking Assembly 'We Can All Grow'
This assembly focuses on how we can change our mindset to overcome obstacles and challenges.
It include slides and scripts for the slides on the notes section in the powerpoint. There are also 2 videos, one about Growth and Fixed mindset and the other an advert about not giving up.
This assembly has always gone down well with KS4 and KS5 pupils and can be adapted for a lesson or for KS3.
Classroom Display / Poster Bundle
A set of 4x classroom posters (Half price than if you were to buy each one separately.
1x Growth Mindset Poster
1x Voice Levels Poster
1x Classroom Rules Poster
1x 5 B’s Poster (Brain Book Buddy Boss)
All come in a single PDF.
The Chimp Paradox Assembly
This assembly is based on the book by prof Steve Peters. It explains what the book is about and helps students to understand how they can change their mindset when reacting to situations.
It is 16 slides in length, fully editable and includes information, questions, scenarios and video’s. There are notes with the slides to help the delivery of the content.
I have presented this assembly with 6th form, KS4 and KS3 students and adapted it each time to aid understanding. I have also presented this to staff as part of a CPD course. It has been hugely successful every time I have presented it.
UPDATE - I have now uploaded a new version due to there being a couple of spelling errors on the previous version.
Mental Health & Mindfulness Assembly
This assembly covers what mental health is and the stigma behind it. It then covers how students can enhance their mental health. Mindfulness is also covered and specific mindful meditation strategies also included. At the end of the powerpoint there is a support slide where students can click on the logo’s to take them to the websites.
The assembly can be adapted and used as either a lesson, tutor session or whole year group / school assemblies.
There is a mixture of information, useful websites and videos and is in total of 17 slides long.
The Success in Failure Assembly
A 12 slide powerpoint that talks through the importance of learning from failure in order to be successful. It includes videos and examples of current celebrities relevant to the 3 main points of the assembly which are:
Don’t quit too early
There is no such thing as failure
The past does not equal the future
As you can see from the preview in the notes section of the slides is a script for you to follow for the assembly.
This is one of my go to assemblies for KS4/KS5 students but is also applicable for younger years.
The powerpoint can be edited.
Resilience Assembly
A 13 slide assembly looking at resilience and 3 key characteristics that resilient people have. With the assembly is also a script that can be found in the notes section of the slide. There are 2 videos within the assembly, if the embedded videos do not work then please find youtube links in the notes sections of the slides.
Sarah Everard, reclaim these streets, public sexual harassment assembly
This is an assembly that I am presenting to students this week all about the impact of Sarah Everard and public sexual harassment on women and girls.
It is a very powerful assembly and so far has gone down well with the students.
Slides have a script at the bottom for the presenter to follow.
Slides 1-4 = Intro to Sarah Everard and what has been happening in the news and on social media about her death and public sexual harassment.
Slides 5-7 = Information, statistics and a video all about public sexual harassment. Please note that you will want to look at the video first as it may not be suitable for all age groups.
Slides 8-12 = How can we tackle PSH and what can we do in school in ensure it does not happen in the school building. You will want to change one or two things on these slides to ensure it is in line with your school policy.
The final slide is the most powerful - As all the names of women who have died in the last year as the result of males are read out dismiss the assembly (this list goes on for around 5mins!
Windrush Day / Windrush Scandal Assembly
This is a 13 slide powerpoint explaining what Windrush is and what the Windrush Scandal is all about.
The powerpoint contains information, pictures, videos and thinking points for the students.
It has been designed to be a virtual assembly but can be adapted for a normal assembly or lesson if needed.
1:1 Mentoring Booklet
This booklet is a fully adaptable 1:1 mentoring booklet that takes you through 6 sessions of 1:1 mentoring. Each session looks at a different aspect but always has weekly target reviews and space to set up new targets.
It is a mixture of tasks / questionnaires, some to be completed by the student, some by the mentor. and allows for a 1:1 conversation between a member of staff and a student to be completed.
Session 1 - Introductions and feelings
Session 2 - Academic
Session 3 - Mid Point review
Session 4 - Feelings and weekly review
Session 5 - Academic Review / Careers
Session 6 - Final Review
Sleep is your superpower assembly
A 13 slide informative powerpoint assembly about the importance of sleep and the effects of a lack of sleep.
Slide 1 - Title and intro
Slide 2 - Facts about sleep and aging
Slide 3 - The brain
Slide 4 - The brain and sleep experiment
Slide 5 - Experiment results
Slide 6 - The brain and a good sleeper
Slide 7 - The body - CV system
Slide 8 - Interesting fact about sleep and CV system
Slide 9 - The immune system
Slide 10 - Drop in WBC activity
Slide 11 - Sleep is your super power - use it!
Slide 12 - Video
Slide 13 - Top tips for sleep.
Revision and Metacognition for Parents powerpoint and resources
This is a presentation I did for parents and carers of year 11 students all about revision and metacognition. It includes a 23 slide long powerpoint detailing how parents can support their students with their revision at home in the run up to exams.
The slides have lots of ‘notes’ underneath them to help explain each one and what I said to the parents.
Also included are the resources spoken about during the powerpoint.
This worked fantastically well as a live presentation on parents evening but would equally work as a virtual presentation too.